Under Patronage of the Minister Delegate of Startups
SprintHub launches for the first time in Algeria the
Entrepreneurship Algeria Cup
A Life-changing Experience
Any entrepreneur. All stages. From anywhere in Algeria
This is the Entrepreneurship Algeria Cup - EAC
The 3 Stages of Participation
Don’t miss out. Take your startup to the next level.
Collect & Sort
3 Months
Choose TOP 20
2 Weeks
Select TOP 3
3 Days
Mentoring toward EWC
Chance to join SprintHub Batches
In the never ending quest for innovation,
this is for you!
You don't have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.
Michael Dell. Founder of Dell
If you want to grow, find a good opportunity. Today, if you want to be a great company, think about what a problem you could solve.
Jack Ma. Founder of Alibaba
You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.
Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group
How To Apply to the EAC - Q&A
EAC21 Alumni
TOP 5 Startups that make it through the Entrepreneurship Algeria Cup 2021 final.
1 Innovantissimo
Patented portable Dental X-Ray Devices that can be used by the Dentists around the world. It reduced time, cost and improve productivity and revenues.
2 Square Algerie
A digital platform that helps sellers and buyers to sell and buy currencies in Algeria
3 Mobile Assistance
An App that assist people when they want urgent helps on road, home...etc
4 9ech
A digital platform that help artisans and consumers in Algeria to sell and buy traditional clothes online hassle-free
Manufacturing of clean and green solar road studs devices
EAC21 Winners Announcement